inspiration + perspiration = invention :: T. Edison ::
A common phrase that's developed in my family is, "Before the world ended...." Meaning, of course, "Before the pandemic, and the lockdown, and everything changing." Everyone has gone through incredible changes in the last year and half, and I'm certainly no exception (nor exceptional, for that matter).
A small number of things that have changed for me personally include:
On the writing front, my two novels have received far more editing attention than anything I've ever written before. While my recent shorts are not as polished, posting something on a weekly basis was a great challenge: I managed to create a schedule and stick with it, while still giving myself time to edit and rewrite. I learned to gut things that weren't working and just "get 'er done." I'm becoming a better storyteller with practice and discipline.
For the next two months I'm going to take a break from writing new stories to finish editing the book I wrote last spring. I've been in a Northanger Abbey kick lately: a fun, snarky spoof was the clear winner for end-of-the-world absorption. I have a sequel novel tentatively titled Gentlemen of Gloucestershire which should begin publication here on the blog in September.
In the meantime, I'm going to post compilations of my recent fairy tale vignettes based on the work they came from. So, this Saturday, all the stories from Sanditon will be posted in chronological order of when they occur in that book. Look for one to go live here every Saturday in July and August. I may also post a review here or there, or an expository blog post, but nothing's planned at the moment.
This blog, like a lot of our homes, is coming back after a long dormant period. There's a lot to be grateful for, and just as much to keep praying about. Take care, and I'll post again soon.