inspiration + perspiration = invention :: T. Edison ::
It's finally spring: April is here with the start of Holy Week (or Semana Santa) leading to Easter, and Estancia Aldea Norteña only has a final third of its chapters to release in the coming month. I had several thoughts for this week's bonus blog content but not nearly enough time to get them together prior to this morning. Instead, I'm going to defer an analysis of Jane Austen's seasonal timing until tomorrow.
For today, here's a video of one Argentine church's Palm Sunday (or Domingo de Ramos) celebrations from this year. While the last few years have been devastating on so many levels around the world, one positive that has come from this pandemic is the number of smaller and international churches now online and streaming to the world. A quick search can turn up many local celebrations from South America, including parades, skits, prayers and songs.
I'll post more information on Semana Santa from below the equator soon, as the next chapters of Estancia take place during this special time.